The Insurance Chatter with Reghan Brandt

Caleb Whitehouse Master of Solutions at Scottish American

Reghan Brandt | LRP, The Loss Run Pros | CPF, Columbia Pacific Finance | The Insurance Chatter Season 1 Episode 15

💭Caleb Whitehouse is the Master of Solutions at Scottish American, a Managing General Agent (MGA) in the insurance industry. Caleb's journey from the basement to the ground floor to the top floor is an inspiring one that has taught him how to truly master his craft, empower and mentor others, and believe in himself. 🙏 He has always been guided by a higher power and now he is paying it forward in creating an entrepreneurial culture that helps his team members do their best work possible and be passionate about what they do. 🤝

About a decade ago, Caleb met Paul Thomson and 🗣 quickly realized that Scottish American—an MGA that wanted to be different and think differently than its competitors—was a place where he wanted to be. Caleb jumped in full force and embraced the entrepreneurial model that Scottish was building.

Talking with Caleb is refreshing 😍 because he cares about empowering, mentoring, and developing his team. He believes that we are put on this earth to make a difference, and regardless of what you are selling 📘 —people are the core blessing. He has always followed his motto: "Hire good people, let them do good stuff, and get out of their way."

🚀 Listen in as Caleb shares the Scottish way!

#culture #team #work #people #power #building #mentoring